Bobber 500by Bobcat Miner

Join the Helium IoT and Helium Mobile by providing coverage with the Bobber 500, powered by FreedomFi firmware!


We have yet to review the Bobber 500 Miner, so that means the information provided here may or may not be accurate. Visit our Review Process to learn more.

General Information

The Bobber 500 Miner is a purpose-built dual mining platform designed by Bobcat from the ground up to provide reliable cellular coverage for Helium 5G deployments as well as IoT sensor coverage for Helium LongFi deployments. Miners can utilize any FreedomFi compatible radios and be rewarded in MOBILE for providing cellular coverage while simultaneously being rewarded in HNT for providing LoRaWAN coverage using the same gateway.
Bobber 500 can mine Helium IoT and Helium Mobile, so your profitability will be the accumulation of both. Helium IoT profitability can vary due to many reasons, it can be anywhere from less than 1 to 5
a day, depending on factors such as your signal strength, coverage, hotspot density, and more.

Helium Mobile profitability depends on the CBRS Radio you buy for your Bobber 500, without a Radio, you can’t mine
. The amount you mine will depend on the type of CBRS Radio you use, there are indoor, outdoor, and high-gain Radios. Helium Mobile is currently only mineable in the United States.

A more in-depth breakdown of profitability and more approximate numbers will be provided once we review the two projects, Helium IoT and Helium Mobile.
Where To Buy
You can get your Bobber 500 Miner on their official store.

Mineable Coins

Helium Mobile
MOBILE is cryptocurrency that will be built on the Helium Network. It’s purpose is to bring the first 5G cellular network. It currently has no price, and it is used to pay Miners around the world through the use of different 5G enabled hotspots with the pairing of CBRS Radio cells.
Project breakdown not available yet.
Helium IoT
HNT is cryptocurrency that runs on it’s own blockchain (soon will move to Solana) that is secured by the consensus mechanism known as “Proof-of-Coverage” developed by Helium. It is utilized to pay Miners around the world and for enterprises to transfer IoT data.
Project breakdown not available yet.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can the Bobber 500 mine?
When will the Bobber 500 ROI?
Not Financial Advice
What is a CBRS Radio?
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They say if you sign up, your rig will never crash 🤷🏽‍♂️