TeamRedMiner is a mining software made specifically for AMD GPUs. It is the most common software that will have advanced optimization and futures for AMD GPUs to be able to mine with more stability.
You can’t use TeamRedMiner for NVIDIA cards but it does make it as the best mining software for AMD GPUs.
Algorithms & The Dev Fee
Here is a list of all the algorithms that TeamRedMiner supports as well as the fee percentage for each.
Algorithm | Fee |
Ethash on Polaris GPUs | 0.75% |
Ethash on all other GPUs | 1.0% |
Nimiq, MTP, Cryptonight, Chukwa-512, 1024 (Turtlecoin), x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x16rt, Cuckatoo31, Cuckarood29, Lyra2rev3 | 2.5% |
Lyra2z, Phi2 | 3.0% |
Official Download
The official TeamRedMiner download can be found on their GitHub page release section. The version may vary since new updates may be added by the time you are reading this guide, but the instructions will remain the same.
From there you just need to download the proper folder for your system and extract the folder using Winrar. So if you are on Windows, you want to install the latest –win.zip version.
Please AVOID installing TeamRedMiner from non-authentic sources so you avoid compromising your network and system.
To make sure you're getting an authentic version of TeamRedMiner, you can double-check by verifying the checksums, and you can also whitelist your miner on your antivirus so it does not accidentally delete it. You can find information about that in the Mining With Windows 10 guide.
Updating Old Versions
There isn’t a way to update a version that is downloaded on your system because the miner does not install anything in your system, so your best option is to re-download it again from the official sources when a new version is released.
If your current old version is working, then no need to download a new one unless there are some new important optimizations that are in the release notes of the new version.
Quick Start
Getting started with TeamRedMiner is just as simple as the other CLI Miners. TeamRedMiner comes with multiple different files that say start_ all those files are pre-made templates for mining different cryptocurrencies.
Once you decide which cryptocurrency you want to mine, go ahead and follow the simplified steps below.
Simplified Steps
- Download the miner from the authentic sources mentioned above.
- Extract miner using Winrar or any extracting tools.
- Edit the .bat file for the coin you want to mine, in this example, we will use Ergo. Add your wallet address for the coin you are mining, the worker name which is what you want to name the rig, and the pool.
- Save changes and close the file.
- Run the miner by double-clicking on the .bat file. If you are overclocking through TeamRedMiner commands then run it as an admin by following the instructions in the overclocking section.
- Get paid to your wallet address from the pool once you reach the minimum payment, more info on that can be found here.
For the Mining Pool you will need to find a pool that supports the cryptocurrency that you want to mine. If you want to learn more about Mining Pools then feel free to visit our Mining Pools Explained article.
teamredminer.exe -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://pool.eu.woolypooly.com:3100 -u 9fTUDDSjg5wRmkEEGNKEw5hrx1ZZNjAcjMFzWfusryk7kvLjww5.trmtest -p x
Congratulations! Now you are up and running with TeamRedMiner.
It may take some time for it to reflect on the pool you are mining too, so just give it a couple of hours and then check on the poolside with your wallet address.
The Files
TeamRedMiner download comes with plenty of different files/folders, these usually change over time once new updates are implemented, but this guide will give you a good idea of what everything is whenever you decide to download and use the miner.
First let’s start with all the help/documentation .txt files, which include the following:
All these files are documentation for specific parts of TeamRedMiner, such as algo-specific optimization and all the general information you need when it comes to tuning your GPU using their commands and memory timings, as well as mining certain coins.
So I highly suggest going over the file for the algorithm you are trying to mine if your run into problems after this guide, so you can get valuable information out of there.
After the documentation, let’s cover all the start_bat files which include the following:
These files are pre-done templates for you to start mining whichever coin from the list right away just as we demonstrated in the Quick Start section above.
All you will have to do is edit the file to your wallet address, and choose your worker name and the mining pool that works best for you.
There are still some batch files that are left that hold no significant functionality.
enable_compute will turn on Compute mode if you are running Polaris GPUs (AMD RX 400/500 Series). You will know that you need to run this file if you're getting 7 MH when you're supposed to get 25+ MH.
help will just display the commands list in the usage.txt file which we will go over in the commands section.
list_devices will display all the active GPUs connected to the current PC/Rig.
run_autotune files I suggest avoiding them and just overclock through your mining software or through the command-line arguments.
The two other files there is not much to cover about them, the watchdog.bat file is activated by the –watchdog_script from command-line arguments, which will reboot the PC/Rig if it freezes whilst mining.
Now you're left off with TeamRedMiner.exe, which is the executable for the miner that runs through the .bat files. So you do not need to manually run this executable.
The Commands
TeamRedMiner has a good amount of commands and a lot of them are algorithm-specific, so we won’t be covering all of them because we mostly never had to use 90% of the commands.
The commands will carry the definition taken from the documentation since it is self-explanatory there. I will add more information and examples if needed to clarify it better.
All of the commands are used through the command-line argument interface. Command-line Arguments are placed in the batch files before running the miner. They are additional parameters/settings that you give your mining software, in this case, TeamRedMiner before running.
Command-line Arguments
Some commands have two ways to be used, such as -o and –url which both work for the pool argument, you will only need to use one of them.
Essentials Commands
-a, --algo<name>
Selects the mining algorithm from the list mentioned above. ex: -a ethash
-o, --urlhost:port
Your pool address (prepend the hostname with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining). ex: -o stratum+tcp://us.crazypool.org:3333
-u, --user<wallet>
Your wallet address. You can also add the worker's name at the end of the address. ex: -u 0x008c26f3a2Ca8bdC11e5891e0278c9436B6F5d1E.WorkerName
-p, --pass<password>
Most pools don’t require it, use x as a password if unsure. ex: -p x
Useful Commands
-d, --devices<n>
Select the GPUs you want to mine with. ex: -d 0,3 (that will mine with GPU #1 and #4 - the count starts from 0,1,...)
Configures the GPU watchdog to shut down the miner and run the specified platform and exit immediately. The default script is watchdog.bat/watchdog.sh in the current directory, but a different script can be provided as an optional argument, potentially with an absolute or relative path as well.
Performance & Overclocking
Overclocking using the batch file is a safer way for tuning your settings for mining in Windows 10, so you can ensure you are always mining with proper settings without worrying about your MSI Afterburner or Radeon Settings crashing.
Running your overclocks from the commands means you will have to run the .bat file as an admin and to do that you will need to change the path to your Teamredminer.exe in your .bat script or else it won’t run at all.
Here is an example below with a four GPU system, RX 580, and an RX 6800. We only specify mem voltage for the 580, and only select a driver timing value for the Big Navi 6800.
To get the correct order of your GPUs then you can run the list_devices.bat file so you can apply overclocks for each GPU based on its’ index.
"C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\Miners\teamredminer-v0.8.5-win\teamredminer.exe" -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://us.crazypool.org:3333 -u 0x02197021fefa795fec661a45f60e47a6f6605281.WorkerName -p x --clk_core_mhz=1000,1000 --clk_core_mv=850,675 --clk_mem_mhz=2100,2130 --clk_mem_mv=850, --clk_timing=,1
Your path will be different than mine so make sure you replace USERNAME with yours and the directory of the folder to yours as well which you can find through the teamredminer.exe file path. We will cover the different commands below as well.
You can always run the overclocks from other software such as MSI Afterburner, AMD Radeon Settings, or OverdriveNTool, so if you find it hard to understand here then feel free to use the software mentioned.
Sets the core clk per GPU in MHz. ex: --clk_core_mhz=1000,1000 (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800).
Sets the core voltage per GPU in mV. ex: --clk_core_mv=850,675 (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800).
Sets the mem clk per GPU in MHz. ex: --clk_mem_mhz=2100,2130 (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800).
Sets the mem voltage per GPU in mV. Not used for Navi or Big Navi GPUs. (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800). ex: --clk_mem_mv=850, (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800).
Selects between the driver's available mem timing sets. Not available on all gpus and driver. ex: --clk_timing=,1 (in the example using GPU #1 RX 580 and GPU #2 RX 6800).
Fan control options:
There are multiple commands to control different types of AMD GPUs but using MSI Afterburner or Radeon Settings will make it easier to work with.
There are also the tuning options that are algorithm-specific which I won’t be adding to this guide but if you want to glance over them you will find them in the usage.txt file.
Now that we covered everything you need to know, you should now have a TeamRedMiner step-by-step guide, feel free to share this with anyone that you think will benefit from it!